WE PARTER with brands to create educational Video Content that inspires action.

It all begins with an idea

Our founder Eric Worral was trying to paint a bathtub in 2012 and every video was a sales pitch. So he opened up his crappy Flip Cam and created his own content just to help educate viewers interested in the same project.

That simple project turned into a passion for connecting with interested buyers via educational content on YouTube

In 2022 we have driven over a million dollars in sales for our partners.


Founder & Head Video Strategist

I’m a reformed Marketing Director who previously built an affiliate program from scratch as an advertiser. I understand the massive benefits and also the downside of working with affiliates. I mention this because we’re not a coupon affiliate because we want to drive real value for our partners.

We create organic video strategies on YouTube to persuade interested buyers to choose your brand. I love explaining things and making it easy for people to make a decision.

LoCo comes from the combination of my boys Logan + Cooper. My wife came up with the name which makes it even more special to me.


Campaign with Instapot to help launch their Ace Blender. Resulted in over 500,000 views and counting.

Great example of a technical SaaS comparison walking people through how these tools can grow your traffic.

A campaign with Uber Eats showing how to go the extra mile by showing both sides of the platform. Over 250,000 views to date.


This partner became famous for their Instant Pot Pressure Cooker. They reached out to work on a campaign to promote their new Ace Blender that few were familiar with.

After some research, we arrived at doing a “this vs that” comparison video that tapped into the brand equity of established blender companies. The numbers speak for themself.


Many consumers are anxious before making a decision. They want to see the entire picture of what they’re signing up for.

In this video we show you exactly what a drive with Uber Eats entails. This campaign created over 1.7 million impressions, 180k views and 100’s of new drivers signing up.

PROJECT three: wix

Not every video needs six-figure views to make an impact. This video has driven over 2,500 clicks and hundreds of new sign-ups for Wix from 33 different countries.

LoCo Ventures, Inc.


PO Box 1088
Buffalo, NY 14231